
Office administration

Business and Technology Programs

SCC’s Business and Technology Programs provide graduates with more than just a degree; they have a competitive edge in the business world.

Students are exposed to local, national, and global business strategies and practices that develop the skills and experience employers are seeking. With classes offered seated and online, day and evening, hands-on experience, leadership training, and professional team-based learning, why wait?

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SCC accounting and finance students studying in the library

Accounting & Finance

Using the “language of business,” accountants assemble and analyze, process, and communicate essential information about financial operations.

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Business Administration

Gain a fundamental knowledge of business functions, processes, an understanding of business organizations in today’s global economy.

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Courses include entrepreneurial concepts learned in innovation and creativity, business funding, and marketing.

IT hero

Information Technology

Become an expert in information support, network systems, programming and software development, information security and other emerging technologies.

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Medical Office Administration

Learn the ins and outs of running a medical office including the areas of billing and coding, dental office, patient services, and medical documents.

Office administration

Office Administration

Develop vital skills in the areas of office management, office finance, legal office, virtual office, customer service, and office software.